20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (2024)

These 20 healthy ripe banana recipes will ensure you always have something besides banana bread to make with those extra browning bananas!

Last month we had a little shindig for my son’s second birthday. I went with a Curious George theme – we made pizzas with the kids a la “Curious George and the Pizza Party” and we had a banana split bar for dessert. I definitely overbought bananas, though, and a week later we had some browning ones sitting on our counter begging to be used.

I set aside a bunch for smoothies, but still had quite a few to use up. Since I already had banana muffins stocked away in the freezer too, I needed something new. Something different than the traditional banana breads, banana muffins, smoothies, and nice creams (though all of those are awesome too!).

But in searching the web for recipes for ripe bananas other than banana bread, I was coming up a little short on healthy options. So I reached out to my fellow dietitian friends and food bloggers to find their favorite healthy ripe banana recipes!

Healthy is of course a subjective term, so some of these may be ‘healthy’ in a way that suits a need – like it’s allergen-friendly or vegan. But on the whole these are some good-for-ya, nutrient-rich options.

Next time you have some browning bananas sitting on your counter, whip up one of these recipes.

1. No Added Sugar Banana Raisin Oatmeal Cups from Better is the New Perfect

These baked oatmeal cups are perfect for snacking or an addition to your breakfast plate. There’s no added sugar; the sweetness naturally comes from the bananas and raisins.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (1)

2. Blender Bliss Banana Date Oatmeal Cookies from Desi-licious RD

Another no added sugar recipe! To make these, just toss a few simple ingredients together in a blender then bake into chewy, wholesome cookies.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (2)

3. Banana Mug Cake from Snacking in Sneakers

This easy to make mug cake is made with wholesome ingredients and packs in 8 grams of protein! It’s such a fun single-serving recipe to make with your overrip banans.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (3)

4. Healthy Banana Peanut Butter Cookies from Snacking in Sneakers

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (4)

Just five simple ingredients make up these delicious cookies: banana, peanut butter, vanilla, maple syrup, and coconut flour. They’re naturally gluten free and easy to throw together when you’re craving a sweet treat.

5. Grain Free Banana Granola from A Saucy Kitchen

I would have never thought to use banana to sweeten a granola recipe but it’s brilliant. This version is grain free (but I’ve also made this recipe by cutting out the cashews and adding in a few cups of oats). It’s yummy, and probably one of my favorite recipes for ripe bananas other than banana bread.

6. Healthy Banana Bread Granola from Lively Table

Another yummy banana granola recipe! This one includes a mixture of oats and nuts and has no added sugar. I love this one too.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (6)

7. Healthy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from Snacking in Sneakers

These babies are a great healthy ripe banana recipe – they’re kind of like a cookie-muffin top hybrid. They were a go-to sweet treat for me when I was nursing since they’re dairy, soy, and egg free! (They’re also nut free, so this is another recipe that’s ideal for many food allergies).

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (7)

8. Quick Banana Salsa from Healing Tomato

Banana in a salsa?! Count me in! (And serious bonus points for creativity). This version also has tomatoes, cucumbers, coconut, and more. I can’t wait to give it a whirl.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (8)

9. Peanut Butter Banana Chia Pudding from Nutrition Starring You

A breakfast pudding that packs in 17 grams of plant-based protein and 18 grams of fiber? Heck yes!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (9)

10. Peanut Butter Banana Mocha S’mores Waffles from Eat Right Live Well

S’mores waffles. Need I say more?!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (10)

11. Flourless Gluten Free Banana Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting from The Athletic Avocado

For those of you looking for minimal ingredient, whole food dessert recipes – this is a nice one. The cake itself is just simple ingredients.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (11)

12. Banana Oat Bars from The Lean Green Bean

This is one of my favorite recipes to make with my son. He loves them!

13. Peanut Butter Banana Cups from A Virtual Vegan

I’ve been digging healthier peanut butter cup recipes lately. Probably because Easter just passed and those Reese’s eggs are a total temptation. But I like this version as a better-for-you option! This recipe only calls for 1 tbsp of added sugar thanks to the natural sweetening power of the bananas.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (13)

14. Banana Date Granola Bars from A Saucy Kitchen

These bars have no added sugar, being naturally sweetened with dates and bananas. You can add an optional chocolate drizzle to the top (I highly recommend it, because – well, chocolate).

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (14)

15. Banana Nut Butter Donuts from Raia’s Recipes

I cannot wait to make these! For anyone with dietary limitations, these are grain free/gluten free and dairy free. They also contain no added sugar in the donut, and just a smidge of honey in the nut butter frosting. YUM. A perfect healthy ripe banana recipe!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (15)

16. Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas from Dizzy Busy and Hungry

What a yummy dessert that only requires a few ingredients! I’d use these with slightly overripe bananas – not ones that have become really mushy to the touch. You can also reduce or eliminate the sugar if you’d like to!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (16)

17. Banana Blueberry Smoothie Pops from Kleinworth & Co.

This is one of the simplest recipes in this roundup – made with just three ingredients. I guess technically it’s a different version of a smoothie, but these looked so delish as popsicles that I wanted them in here!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (17)

18.Chocolate Banana Oat Bites from the Nutrition Adventure

I’ve been all about the energy bites lately, so these will definitely be going down in my kitchen soon!

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (18)

19. Frozen Banana Bites from Snacking in Sneakers

Just three ingredients makes these amazing frozen snacks! I recommend making a big batch ahead of time on the weekend and then keeping them in a freezer bag and popping them out to snack on throughout the week.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (19)

20. Chocolate Almond Butter Overnight Oats fromApples for CJ

Overnight oats are so convenient for a make-ahead breakfast (perfect for kids on busy school days or adults on busy workdays!). This version is vegan and gluten free.

20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (20)

Share with me: Do you have any more ideas for other recipes for ripe bananas other than banana bread?!Which of these healthy ripe banana recipes are you dying to try? What do you usually make with your overripe bananas?

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Chrissy Carroll

Chrissy Carroll is a Registered Dietitian and USAT Level I Triathlon Coach. She specializes in sharing nutrition and fitness tips, as well as recipes, for runners, triathletes, and active women.Chrissy holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, a Masters Degree in Public Health, and is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer.

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20 Healthy Ripe Banana Recipes (that aren’t banana bread or smoothies!) - Snacking in Sneakers (2024)


Are ripe bananas bad for you? ›

While overripe bananas may have higher sugar content and lower levels of certain nutrients like antioxidants and dietary fiber, they can still provide valuable nutrients and energy. So, while there might be some differences, both ripe and overripe bananas can be part of a healthy diet.

At what point is a banana not good to eat? ›

Mold on bananas is fuzzy white, gray, or greenish—it looks a lot like mold on bread. If a banana smells rotten or fermented or is leaking fluid, it's time to say goodbye. If the fruit inside, not just the peel, is black, that's a sign that your banana is too far gone to safely eat.

What can I use instead of banana? ›

Banana Substitute
  • Ripe plantains.
  • Applesauce.
  • Avocado.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Pumpkin puree.
  • Greek yogurt.
  • Coconut cream.
  • Oats.
Feb 7, 2024

Can a banana be too ripe for a smoothie? ›

That said, Rogers states that if your bananas are jet black and mushy, your safest bet is to cook with them rather than eating them out of hand or using them raw in things like smoothies or nice cream. "The riper the bananas get, the more levels of bacteria could be on them," he says.

Is it OK to eat bruised banana? ›

Bottom line: it is best that you steer clear of bananas that have been excessively bruised. For mild bruises, you don't have to worry if the edible part of the fruit remains fine. All you have to do is cut out the browned areas.

Who should not eat ripe bananas? ›

However, if a person has any health concerns, including uncontrolled diabetes, late-stage kidney failure, or is taking medication for high blood pressure, they should check with a health professional to see if bananas are safe for them to eat.

Why should you not eat a banana on an empty stomach? ›

Bananas are packed with sugar, which is why eating them on an empty stomach can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. This can lead to fatigue, headaches, and other problems. This is the reason why diabetics are always asked to not start their day with a slice of banana.

Why is it not good to eat bananas in the morning? ›

Bananas are no doubt healthy. However, they contain around 25% sugar, which can lead to a quick energy boost followed by a mid-morning crash. This can leave you feeling tired and hungry, undoing any benefits of the banana. Furthermore, the sugar boost can trigger cravings and increase the risk of overheating.

Why should we eat 2 bananas and not 1? ›

Eating two bananas in a day can provide several benefits due to their nutrient content: Rich in Nutrients: Bananas are a great source of essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate) and minerals (like potassium and magnesium), which contribute to overall health.

What's healthier than a banana? ›

Although bananas are a good source of potassium, many other nutritious foods, including sweet potatoes, legumes, and beets, offer more potassium per serving. Swiss chard, yams, and white beans even have twice as much potassium per cup as a medium banana.

What is the closest fruit to a banana? ›

Mango is one of the most common substitutes for bananas in smoothies. It has a pretty mild flavor. Because it's not as juicy as most fruits, mango is great at creating a creamy texture. Use about 1 cup of frozen mango to replace 1 banana.

What fruit is equal to a banana? ›

If you're a banana hater looking for a substitute, kiwi is the perfect fruit for you. Other fruits that contain nutrients similar to bananas include cantaloupes and mangos.

What can you use overripe bananas for? ›

What to Do with Overripe Bananas
  • Mash Into Oatmeal. Breakfast is a great time to take advantage of the energy boost that comes from eating the natural sugars in bananas. ...
  • Blend Into Waffle or Pancake Batter. ...
  • Make Banana Muffins. ...
  • Bake Banana Cookies. ...
  • Add to a Smoothie. ...
  • Turn Into Ice Cream. ...
  • Whip Up Beignets.
Mar 12, 2024

Can bananas be too ripe for baking? ›

If they smell off, that's another good indicator that they are no longer okay to use. Rotten bananas will often have a fermented or alcohol-like smell. While it's okay if the banana peel is dark brown or even black, if the inside is too, then the fruit is beyond ripe and now on its way to rotten.

Can dogs eat banana? ›

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

Is it safe to eat banana with black spots? ›

Bananas with black spots are safe for consumption and do not pose any health risks. However, exercise caution if a banana with dark spots emits a bad odour. In such cases, it is advisable to steer clear and opt for a fresher alternative. Trust your senses when it comes to ensuring the quality of this nutritious fruit.

What is the banana trick to empty bowels? ›

Eat a yellow banana after your last meal of the day.

The soluble fiber from the banana will accompany your meal while it digests, making it easier to pass that night or in the morning.

Do bananas raise your blood sugar? ›

One medium banana (about 126 grams) contains 29 grams of carbs and 112 calories. The carbs are in the form of sugar, starch, and fiber ( 3 ). A medium banana contains about 15 grams of sugar ( 3 ). Bananas do contain simple carbs, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise more than other nutrients.

What are the 7 stages of banana ripening? ›

Banana ripening scale

Banana ripening starts with a full green fruit (stage 1 in Fig. 1a), pale green (stages 2), green yellow (stage 3), yellow with green tips (stage 4), bright yellow (stage 5), pale yellow (stage 6) and yellow with brown spots (stage 7) (Fig. 1a).

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