Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (2024)

The most nutrient-dense food on the planet, beef liver pate is one of my favorite ways to add nutritional value to my diet. While it might look intimidating, making pate at home is really easy, and this beef liver pate recipe requires only a few ingredients.

If you want to reap the benefits of this superfood without the downside, it’s important you only use grass-fed and grass-finished liver.

With a few tips and tricks, you will learn how to make delicious pate at home, even if you haven’t been a fan of eating liver.

Make your own liver pate

I’ve always been a fan of liver pate. Canned liver pate, on a slice of toast, topped with a fresh tomato slice, was a convenient and delicious snack when I was a student and didn’t have a place to cook. And I even loved it as a child.

However, when I learned to read labels and realized what was in a canned liver pate, I started making it at home. It took a while to learn all the tips and tricks to make it tasty, without the bitterness and strong liver taste that some people rightfully don’t like.

Why is beef liver a superfood?

Beef liver (and other organ meats), if grass-fed and grass-finished, is possibly the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. It’s rich in protein, low in calories, and packed with vitamins and minerals.

And you don’t have to eat a lot to reap its benefits. In only a small quantity, beef liver packs 100% (and even more) of the RDI for many essential nutrients that will be easily absorbed by your body.

Eating just 50-100 grams of liver will provide an impressive amount of the below nutrients in an easily absorbable form and packed in a form that will make them work synergistically.

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin A
  • Riboflavin (B2)
  • Folate (B9)
  • Heme Iron (easily absorbed by the body)
  • Copper
  • Choline
  • All the essential amino acids

My favorite ways of eating liver:

  • Liver pate served with our crackers or bread, or with fresh vegetable sticks
  • Sauteed liver with onions, garlic, and lots of fresh herbs served with mashed potatoes’ healthier versions: Root Vegetable Puree with Cauliflower and Mashed Cauliflower, Celeriac, and Parsnips.

I used to love foie gras when I didn’t know much about its production and what that meant for the birds, but I don’t eat it anymore.

A note on eating liver

A valid concern about eating liver is that it can increase uric acid (because of high purine levels), so you might want to avoid it if you have high uric acid levels or have been diagnosed with gout.

If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor or nutritionist to understand if only a small quantity (which will provide plenty of nutrients) will be ok for you.

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (1)

Tips and tricks for making delicious beef liver pate at home

Most people don’t like liver and liver pate, because:

  • it’s bitter
  • it has a strong taste
  • they don’t like the texture

But it doesn’t have to be that way. By using the right ingredients and the correct cooking method, you can make a liver pate that you and your family will love.

However, when it comes to texture, there isn’t much I can do. You either love it or don’t. I hope you will love my beef liver pate recipe.

So, what are the tips and tricks for making great pate at home?

  1. Choose the right liver. In the case of beef, you only want to buy liver that is 100% grass-fed (grass-fed, grass-finished). Find a good source where you can get small quantities of fresh liver.
  2. Clean the liver properly. No, you don’t have to soak liver in milk if you have good quality liver. Ideally, your butcher will clean the liver and slice it for you, but if that’s not the case, make sure you remove all the membranes. Those parts will be tough to chew and will give the final product that specific strong taste no one likes and bitterness. Then wash in cold water, drain and pat dry. The pieces of the liver should be approximately the same size and thickness so they cook evenly. If that’s not possible, you can take out the thinner pieces that are cooked and continue to cook the rest.
  3. Don’t overcook the liver. I can’t stress how important that is. Not only will overcooked liver have fewer nutrients, but it will be bitter and tough. And that’s exactly what turns beef liver unappetizing.
  4. Use a ton of fresh herbs. They will add nutritional value, will help neutralize histamines in the liver, and will make the liver pate delicious. They also help with storage, prolonging the pate’s life.
  5. Use a lot of onions. Beef liver and onions are a perfect match (any liver, for that matter). Onions give liver pate its sweetness and will overpower the specific strong taste of the liver (along with the herbs and garlic).
  6. Don’t add salt when cooking liver. Adding salt before the liver is fully cooked will make it bitter. Only add the salt after you transferred everything to the food processor.
  7. Add some spice. While nutmeg is often used for making liver pate, I prefer allspice. It will bring a subtle flavor and neutralize further the taste you don’t like.
  8. Add some bourbon. That’s not included in the recipe card below, but if you want to go one step further, add a shot of good quality bourbon when the liver is almost fully cooked.
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (2)

Ingredients for homemade beef liver pate

  • Beef liver (grass-fed and grass-finished)
  • A generous amount of fresh herbs: fresh sage, fresh rosemary, fresh thyme, and fresh oregano
  • Aromatics: lots of onions and garlic
  • Spices: salt, black pepper, and allspice (or nutmeg)
  • Extra virgin olive oil and ghee or melted butter
  • Optional: if you want to get fancy, add a shot of bourbon when the liver is almost cooked.
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (3)

How to make liver pate at home

Once the ingredients are ready, you only need about 10 minutes to cook everything and a few more minutes to turn it into a paste using a food processor or blender.

You can make it completely smooth or with a little bit of texture.

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (6)
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (7)
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (8)
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (9)

These are the steps for making beef liver pate:

  1. Rinse the liver in cold water and pat dry. If your butcher didn’t do it already, ensure all the membranes are removed and the liver is sliced in approximately equal pieces so it cooks evenly.
  2. Wash and dry the herbs, and prepare all the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Heat a large skillet or frying pan on medium heat, add the chopped onions, and sauté until fragrant and translucent, for about 5 minutes.
  4. Add the smashed and chopped garlic, stir well and cook for one more minute.
  5. Add the liver, chopped herbs, pepper, and allspice (DO NOT add salt while the liver is cooking!).
  6. Cook on one side for about 2 minutes, flip, and cook for about 2 more minutes. The time will depend on the thickness of the pieces, but you have to make sure you don’t overcook the liver, as it will become bitter, plus you will kill some of the nutrients. To check doneness, cut one of the thicker pieces and see if it’s still raw in the middle. You don’t want it to look raw, but you want to retain some pink and softness. If there are thinner pieces that are ready, take them out on a cutting board and continue to cook beef liver pieces that are thicker and still raw in the middle. It won’t take long, so don’t leave the stove.
  7. Take all the cooked liver out on a cutting board, chop it into smaller pieces and add the chopped liver to the food processor, together with all the onions and spices from the pan, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and salt. Add first 1 teaspoon salt, and add more after you taste. For my taste, I add up to 2 teaspoons of sea salt flakes. Some salt is more powerful; that’s why it is better to add it gradually.
  8. Process until it reaches the desired consistency. Taste and add more salt if necessary.

How to store liver pate

After you make the pate, you put it immediately in an air-tight glass jar or tightly covered with plastic wrap and store it in the fridge.

While the pate can safely be stored for a week in the refrigerator, I prefer to eat it within two or a maximum of three days because of histamine accumulation. The top layer of ghee (clarified butter) or melted butter will protect the pate against oxidation.

I freeze the rest in small portions in Souper Cubes. When I want to eat it, I take it out of the freezer about an hour or two before. It can also thaw overnight in the fridge.

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (10)
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (11)

How to eat beef liver pate

My favorite way to eat pate is with:

  • homemade lectin-free and gluten-free keto crackers
  • raw vegetables: carrots, celery, radishes, romaine hearts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, etc
  • on a slice of lectin-free and gluten-free sourdough bread, topped with broccoli microgreens
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (12)
Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (13)

We like liver recipes, and I would be curious to hear from you about other interesting ways of cooking and eating liver (leave a message in the comment section below the article).

I hope you love this beef liver pate recipe!

More pate recipes

For more easy and delicious pate recipes, check out our:

  • Chicken liver pate with fresh herbs
  • Easy sardine pate (with canned sardines)

*This post contains affiliated links, which means I get a small commission if you choose to purchase something via one of my links, at no extra cost to you.

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (14) Print Recipe

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (15)Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (16)Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (17)Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (18)Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (19) (12 votes, average: 4.08 out of 5)

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (20)Loading...

By Claudia CuriciServes: 4-6

Prep Time: 30 minutesCooking Time: 10-15 minutes

The most nutritionally dense food on the planet, beef liver pate is one of my favorite ways to add nutritional value to my diet. While it might look intimidating, making pate at home is really easy and requires only a few ingredients. If you want to reap the benefits of this superfood without the downside, it's important you only use grass-fed and grass-finished liver. With a few tips and tricks, you will learn how to make delicious pate at home, even if you haven't been a fan of eating liver.


  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (for the pan)
  • 1 lb/400 grams 100% grass-fed beef liver
  • 3 medium red onions, chopped or sliced
  • 3 garlic cloves, smashed
  • 3 tablespoons of mixed fresh herbs: sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
  • 2 teaspoons salt (add gradually and taste)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (to add to the pate when processing)
  • 1 tablespoon soft ghee



Rinse the liver in cold water and pat dry. If your butcher didn't do it already, ensure all the membranes are removed, and the liver is sliced in approximately equal pieces so it cooks evenly.


Wash and dry the herbs, and prepare all the rest of the ingredients.


Heat a large skillet on medium heat, add the onions and sauté until fragrant and translucent, for about 5 minutes.


Add the smashed and chopped garlic, stir well and cook for one more minute.


Add the liver, chopped herbs, pepper, and allspice (DO NOT add salt while the liver is cooking!).


Cook on one side for about 2 minutes, flip, and cook for about 2 more minutes. The time will depend on the thickness of the pieces, but you have to make sure you don't overcook the liver, as it will become bitter, plus you will kill some of the nutrients. To check doneness, cut one of the thicker pieces and see if it's still raw in the middle. You don't want it to look raw, but you want to retain some pink and softness. If there are thinner pieces that are ready, take them out on a cutting board and continue to cook the pieces that are thicker and still raw in the middle. It's not going to take long, so don't leave the stove.


Take all the cooked liver out on a cutting board, chop it into smaller pieces and add to the food processor, together with all the onions and spices from the pan, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and salt. Add first 1 teaspoon salt, and add more after you taste. For my taste, I add up to 2 teaspoons of sea salt flakes. Some salt is more powerful, that's why is better to add it gradually.


Process until it reaches the desired consistency. Taste and add more salt if necessary.

Beef Liver Pate With Fresh Herbs Recipe (Plus 8 Tips to Make Great Pate) (2024)


What makes a good pâté? ›

All good charcuterie requires high-quality meat, and pâté is certainly no exception. “Care about the sourcing of your meat. Purchase from a trusted butcher to make sure it's high-quality and fresh. It's especially important that when you're using organ meat, it's coming from an animal that's raised and fed properly.

Why do you put butter on top of pâté? ›

The pâté will last a week or so in the fridge. If you want to preserve it for up to a month, pour a little melted lard or clarified butter on top to seal. Each time you dip into the pâté, you will need to reseal the top to preserve it.

What is the best bread for pâté? ›

Our answer. Toast is traditional with pate and if it is for a special occasion you could serve toast made from challah or brioche (though avoid the overly sweet supermarket brioches). Beyond this the accompaniment could well depend upon the texture of the pate.

What is best to spread pâté on? ›

Pate served on toasted bread or baguette along with a large green salad makes a simple, but scrumptious lunch or small meal. Again, cornichons make a nice addition to the plate. For a special presentation, slice the cornichon lengthwise in four to six slices and fan them out, placing one on each piece of Pate.

What is the most important meat in pâté? ›

Liver in pâté is as much a binding agent as an ingredient to add flavour. Soaked and seasoned, the foie gras usually blended with minced meat, herbs and truffle. Pork liver is also commonly employed for the more rustic Pâté Campagne.

What is the main ingredient in pâté? ›

Pâté is often made of pig meat and parts, but wild game like snipe, partridge, venison or wild boar can be cooked into a pâté, as can farm-raised duck, rabbit or pheasant. Even vegetables can be made into pâté. Lean meats might require the addition of some pork fat to keep the pâté from drying out in the oven.

What is the jelly stuff on pâté? ›

Aspic or meat jelly (/ˈæspɪk/) is a savory gelatin made with a meat stock or broth, set in a mold to encase other ingredients. These often include pieces of meat, seafood, vegetable, or eggs. Aspic is also sometimes referred to as aspic gelée or aspic jelly.

Why is my pâté bitter? ›

After the milk is removed from the refrigerator, it will be pink from the blood removed from the livers. Blood can give the pâté a bitter taste.

Should you have butter with pâté? ›

Toast and unless your paté is a “potted” version sealed under butter, that toast must be buttered. There is nothing that cannot be improved by the addition of butter. A grilled, properly spiky sourdough bread would be the ideal here, but any decent, thick-cut real white or granary bread will do.

What is the best pâté for beginners? ›

For beginners, Daguin recommends pâté de campagne as a "pâté 101." This country-style pâté is traditionally made with coarse ground pork meat and pork liver with garlic, parsley and sometimes onion, rosemary and clove, making it a savory and easy intro to those unfamiliar with pâté's often unique texture and flavor.

What is the most famous pâté? ›

Some of the most popular types of pâté in France include pâté de campagne, made with pork, pâté de foie gras, made with duck or goose liver, and pâté en croûte, which is baked in a pastry crust.

What is the best bread for liver pâté? ›

Read on below.
  • Ciabatta.
  • Sourdough.
  • Focaccia. An Italian bread typically baked flat, focaccia is similar to pizza dough, and is often flavored with rosemary and garlic. ...
  • Brioche.
Feb 16, 2022

What kind of cheese is good with pâté? ›

As the name suggests, hard cheese is firm and goes perfectly well with our creamy and decadent mousse pâtés. Often savory, hard cheese can be divided into two categories: hard (such as Parmesan), and semi-hard (such as Gouda). We suggest pairing the former with Black Peppercorn, and the latter with Chicken Liver.

What do you put on pâté? ›

What is this? I love to serve chicken liver pate with crispy melba toast and a dollop of something sweet. It's silken smooth so it needs the crunch. The Marmalade offers a bitter-sweet flavour which is rather delicious and quite Christmassy too.

Why is liver pâté so good? ›

Liver and liver products, like pâté, are a rich source of vitamin A in the form of retinol, which is the 'active' form. Muscle meat is not such an impressive source and plant sources have to be converted to the active form in the gut, so that the body can use them.

What is a traditional pâté? ›

Paté (pronounced pah-tay) is a French term that loosely translates to paste. Paté is a savory filling of meat and fat that is baked in a terrine (an earthenware vessel) and served hot or cold. Traditionally, paté was baked in pastry, aka paté en croute.

What is the most common type of pâté? ›

Though common meats used in Pates include beef, pork, liver, ham, salmon, chicken and wild game, Pâté de Foie Gras is considered the king of Pates.

What texture should pâté be? ›

Everyone but Delia and Saveur recommends pushing the mixture through a sieve before chilling, which I can't endorse heartily enough: there are always little bits left after pureeing, and pâtés should either be coarse or smooth, not gritty.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.