HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (2024)

As you can see, the HSK 6testsare all administered on a Saturday or Sunday, with no exception. The test usually starts at 9:00 am. The test dates are the same across the globe, but students who are located in a country/regionthat doesn’t offer the internet-based test can only take it in thepaper-based format.

When to Take Your HSK 6 Test?

If you’re taking the HSK 6 test as part of the school applications, you’ll wantto schedule your HSK testdate around your application deadlines.Since most schoolsrequire a copy of the physical HSK testreport, you need to make sure there’s enough timefor them to receive your scoresbefore application deadlines.Therefore,you should take the HSK 6 test at least 2.5months before application deadlines(1-2 months for mailing + 1/2 month cushion).

If you are not confident that you’ll meet the passing grade or cutoff gradethe first time you take the testand anticipate retakes, then schedule the first HSK 6 testeven earlier to allow the retake.

(Read here for more tips on choosing the best HSK test date)

HSK 6Test Centers

Thenext stepfor youis to choosea test centerthat administers the HSK 6 test.

Finding an HSK test center might be easier than you thought, given the popularity of the test. There are over 300 test centers in China alone, and nearly 1,000 outside of China. We’ve pulled a list of worldwide HSK test centers on our website.

Now, while choosing the HSK test center closest to where you live makes a lot of sense,you can be more strategic when making your choice.We’ve come up with a few tips here to help you decidewhich center you should goto ace the test.

Take note that not all test centers administer the HSK 6test on every test date throughout the year(usually they don’t). How often your test center gives the HSK 6testdepends on their funding and on how many advanced learners there are in your region, so double-check with your test center to see your available options.For example, if you planto take the test in September, make sure your test centerwill be administering it in that month.

HSK 6Test Fee

In 2024, the HSK 6 test fee is 650 CNY (≈ 91 USD) in China. The price is the same for the internet-based HSK and the paper-based HSK.

Tests Price in CNY
HSK 3350
HSK 5550

The price forHSK 6outside of China is converted into local currency and will vary depending on your location. Some test centers may charge an additional processingfee or postage fee on top of the test fee. Check out the website of your local test center, and you’ll find out exactly how much the HSK 6 test costs in your region.

How to Register for HSK 6Online

HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (1)

Once you’ve made up your mind when and where to take the HSK 6test, you can get registered online.

Here’s a quick tutorial.

1. Open HSK website

Go to the official HSK test websitewww.chinesetest.cn. Select the language option on the top for the language that works best for you.

Make sure you use Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers to accessthis website (not Google Chrome), otherwise it won’t functionwell.

2. Create a User Account

Click on the “New User”buttonto create an account. Fill in your personal information such as email address, nationality, native language, date of birth, etc. Keep a note of your user name (email) and password before you submit.

3. Register HSK 6

On the next page, select HSK Level 6, a test format of your preference (paper-based or internet-based), and pick a date and a center for your test. Bear in mind that some test centers only offer HSK 6 in one of two test formats, so check with them beforehand to make sure they’ll have this option for you.

After submitting, you’ll be directed to the next page to confirm some basic information you already filled in. You also need to input a few more details about yourself on this page, such as name, gender, ID, phone number.

4. Upload Your Photo

Press “Next Step”and you’ll see a page requesting you to upload your photo. The photo has to be a recent, standard, 2-inch ID photo in white background and JPG format (maximum size 100KB). This is important because if you fail to upload a photo that meets the criteria, you won’t be allowed to enter the examination room later to take the test.

5. Confirm Again

Verify yourinformation once again, and click on “Confirm and Submit”.You’ll see a confirmation pageonce your registration is successfully submitted.

6. Pay Test Fee

To finalize your HSK registration, you need to pay the test fee.

If your chosen test center offers the online payment option (all HSK test centers in China do), you’ll find a “Pay Online” button on the confirmation page. Click on that to access the payment page, simply select a payment method (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Union Pay, Wechat), and pay the test fee directly on this page.

If you are taking the HSK 6 test outside of China and your chosen test center does not offer online payment options, you will then need to pay the test fee at that center. In either case, make surethatthe payment is completed before the registration deadline, otherwise, the registration will be canceledautomatically. (Once you’ve paid the test fee, the test cannot be canceled and there won’t be any refund)

7. Check Confirmation Email

If you are successfully enrolled, You will receive a confirmation email from Hanban 10 days before the test date. If you don’t receive the confirmation, contact Hanbanimmediately.

Hanban Contact Info
Phone: + 86 (10) 59307668/59307634
Email: kaoshi@chinesetest.cn

8. Print Test AdmissionCard

You may either log into the HSK websiteand print your test admission card on the “Personal Center”pageor collect it at the test center. Bring and present your test admission card along with a valid ID on the test day.

How to Register for HSK 6Offline

Some test centers do not offer the online registration option,youmust instead go to the test center to complete registration and payment on site.

Make sure you have your identification document(e.g. ID card, passport, driving license, residence permit, etc) and two recent, standard, 2-inch ID photos(in white background) with you when heading over to the test center. Fill in the registration form and pay the test feeat the center. (The requirement and test fee might vary from center to center, it’s a good idea to check with them in advance)

You can also register by courierif there’s no HSK test center near you. You will need to send a copy of your ID to the center, your resume including your Chinese and English names, nationality, gender, postal address, and two 2-inch ID photos. You also need to remit the necessary expenses to the center by cash order. The test center will issue you the HSK test admission card shortly after it processes your application for registration.

Registration Dates and Deadlines

HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (2)

The registration deadline for the internet-based HSK 6testis 10 days before your intended testdate, however, if your aim to take the paper-based HSK 6, you must register at least 4 weeks in advance.

Though the HSK 6test dates are already fixed for the entire year, most test centers won’t allow you to register for the test far ahead of your test date (registration typically begins 3-4 months before the test date).

Once you decide on your test date, it’s always better to register early than late, because test centers all have limited seating. Registration will always be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is reached. Besides, if you experience a technical glitch registering online at the last minute, Hanban will not be able to make accommodations for you.

HSK 6 Certificate & ScoreValidity

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You’ll get an HSK 6 certificate if you pass the HSK 6 test. The HSK 6 certificate has permanent validity. It’s like a diploma. Once you receive it, it becomes your property and is valid forever.

However, ifyou wish to use your HSK 6 scores to apply to a college or university in China, yourHSK 6 scores will be only valid for two years from the test date (e.g. if you took the HSK 6 test on September 08, 2024, your scores are valid until September 08, 2026).

Your HSK 6 test score will be released two weeks after the test date (or one month if you take the paper-based test) on theHSK website. Simply enter your test registration number (as shown on your Test Admission Card), and you can access your score online.

Once it has been over two years since you took the HSK 6,your expired scores won’t disappear from the website.Though schools in China won’t accept these expired scores as official HSK scores for your application, you will still be able to view them online.

That said, the HSK website does not seem very well maintainedand could encounter technical hitches at times. It’s always a good idea tokeep an offline record of your scores within your reach. (The physical HSK test report will be sent to your test center 1-2 months after the test date, and you should be notified either by email or telephone for a pickup.)

How to Get Certified for Speaking Skills?

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HSK 6 is a 100% written test. It’s only concerned with your listening, reading and writing skills, and has no speaking section.

Passing the HSK 6 test is one thing, speaking Chinese is another. So, is there a way to assess your Chinese speaking skills and get certified for that?

Luckily, HSKis not the only Chinese proficiency test you can take. To certify your proficiency in spoken Chinese, you cantake another test called HSKK(Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi, or “Chinese Proficiency Spoken Test”). HSKK is a relatively new test organized by Hanban that specifically assesses learners’ pronunciations, tones, clarity, continuity, variety, and fluency in speech. It’s an objective way to measure your overall speaking ability in real life.

Just as HSK, HSKK is divided into different levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced). We recommend that you takeHSKK Advancedas it corresponds to HSK 5and HSK 6.

You can take the HSK 6 and HSKK Advanced tests togetheron selected test dates. The HSKK Advanced isoffered 7 times a year and all the testdates overlap with the HSK 6 test dates. The two tests start at a different time of the day. Just make sure you register for them at the same testcenter. (Readherefor more information on HSKK)

A common misconception is that HSKK is just a part of an HSK test, as the “speaking section”, but that’s not correct. HSK and HSKK are two independent tests that can be taken separately, at any level.

Top Tips for Passing the HSK 6 Test

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HSK 6isnot terrifyingly difficult. There is a good chance that you’ll pass the test in one take, if you approach it with the right plan and strategies.

Here are our top 11 preparation tips and test-day advice for HSK 6. They will not only help you feelready for the test but will also give you the confidence you need to geta high score on test day!

Tip 1: Memorize HSK 6 Characters

督… 勘… 履… 缀…

Do you know these characters yet? They’re some of the Chinese characters required forHSK 6. If you’re going to take the HSK 6 test, it’s time to memorizethem!

At HSK 6, Hanban expects you to know 2,500 characters in total to pass the test (that’s 1,000 additionalcharacters on top of HSK 4).

We’ve created the complete HSK 6 character list on this page.

It’s a good idea to practice writing Chinese by hand. Though you don’t have to physically write down the characters in the Writing section if you take the internet-based HSK test (you can type the Pinyin and then select the characters shown on screen), you still need to know which character to apply. Constant practicing on handwriting Chinese helps you memorize characters and vocabulary better, and you’ll become more at ease with spontaneous reading and writing.

Tip 2: Study HSK 6 vocabulary

Vocabulary is essential to any language test. It is arguably the most important thing to study and understand.

According to Hanban, to pass HSK 6,you need to know 5,000vocabulary words(see the vocabulary list here). These words can change between tests, but you can generally expect to see the words from this vocabulary list on any given HSK 6 test.

Just note that the HSK 6 vocabulary list does not represent the 5,000 high-frequency words that you hear or read most often in daily life, instead, it’s a list crafted specifically for passing the HSK 6test, that is, heavily restricted.

Some of thewordsin the HSK 6 vocabulary list might not be commonly used (or used at all) in your language, but are very important in Chinese culture orsociety, e.g. 孝顺 (filial piety), 实事求是 (seek truth from facts), 天伦之乐 (domestic bliss), etc. They could pop up anywhere on an HSK 6 test, so you have to learn them.

How to Memorize HSK 6 Characters and Vocabulary?

HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (6)

All right, so now you’ve seen the HSK 6character list and vocabulary list and know what you should study. But what’s thebestway to memorize them?

The best way to remember HSK 6charactersand words is touse flashcards andcreatea maximum number of “exposures” to the new vocabularyin real life. Essentially, you’ll want to surround yourselfwith the new vocabulary, allowing themto naturally move from short-term memory into long-termmemory.

Flashcards are a powerful way to review Chinese characters and words. You could do it old school and makeactual,physical flashcards. Simply browse the listsand write down the unfamiliar characters and words on one side, and the English definition on the other.The objective here is to force yourself to see and write the words for yourself, giving you more exposure.

If you are constrained by time, then make use of flashcards appssuch asAnkiorMemrise. You can use them on desktop as well as ona cell phone, so you can review the new words while commuting to school or work.These programs also make use of spaced repetition – a smart algorithm that only shows you the flashcards that you’re about to forget.

Now, to pass HSK 6, you need to do more than flipping flashcards, you have to get more exposure to accurately and convincingly be able to usethese words.

The best strategy? Get out there and speak!Force yourself to use these newwordswith native Chinese speakers near where you live or online. The way native speakers respond to your shaky, early uses of new vocabulary will reinforce the meaning and usage of these words like nothing else.

If you can’t find anyone to practice with you, look up the wordsin a dictionary app such asPlecoand read the example sentences.These sentences will provide numerous more exposures to the words in context. You can even use GoogleorBaiduto identify how these Chinese words are actually used, a method that’s surprisingly effective.

Bottom line:it’s important to not simply memorizeChinese characters and words from a pre-compiled list.Learn how theyare used in context, and they will more easily stick in your long-term memory.

And practice every day! Rinse and repeat until the test!

Tip 3: Master HSK 6 Grammar

Grammar is the glue that holds the pieces of language together. In the HSK 6test, you will be quizzed extensively on your knowledge of Chinese grammar.

To pass HSK 6, you need to have a good mastery of Chinese grammar beyond the basic usage of common words and patterns. You should start to get familiar with theexceptions and advanced forms of grammar points as well.

ImproveMandarin Grammar Channel is a fantastic place for studying HSK 6grammar. It’s an excellent resource you can go to for a quick overview/recapof grammatical structures required for the HSK 6test. Reference itwhen you get confused or feel the need to refine your understanding of Chinese grammar.

Grammar doesn’t have to be theoretical. Once you’ve got the required patterns down, read as much as possible and across a variety of sources (news articles, magazines, blogs, novels), and you’ll internalize the grammar points naturally.

Tip 4: Take FullLength MockTests

It’ll be wise to take some mocktests to get a better idea of your current leveland know how much you’ll need to study for the HSK 6 test. That way, you can see where your current areas of strength and weakness are and see how the test works before you take the official HSK 6test.

Make sure you take the mock testsin full lengthwhen you take them. This allows you toget used to the HSK 6 test time and steadily build up stamina for test day.(The HSK 6test takes nearly three hours with the check-in. If you haven’t taken an intenseChinese test before, you’ll findit challengingon the test day)

You can find HSK 6 mock tests online and offline. There are three ways to get them:

  • ImproveMandarin HSK Channel: We’ve created 10+ HSK Level 6 mock tests on our website using real questions from past HSK 6 exams, complete with audios and answer keys. You can click here to try them out online or download and print out the test papers. They require no registration and are completely free.
  • Official Examination Papers of HSK (Level 6):This book published by People’s Education Press consists of five retired HSK 6 tests and costs 85.00 CNY. You can find it onAmazon, Taobao,and in manyforeign language bookstores in China. The name of the book in Chinese is 汉语水平考试真题集HSK六级(2018版).
  • Official HSK Simulation Tests (2nd Edition) Level 6: This book is published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press. It contains 10 HSK 6simulationtests with realistic questions and costs 65.00 CNY. The name of the book in Chinese is 汉语水平考试模拟试题集(第2版)HSK六级.

Once you’ve got a mocktest and are ready to take it,try to recreate a real testing environment as closely as possible:find aslightly noisy placeto take your test in (this is important sincethe keyboard hit sound can get quite loud in the internet-based test, and in some test centers, paper-based tests and internet-based tests take place in the same testing room), and time yourself using official time limits.

Tip 5. Setting an HSK 6Study Schedule

To pass the HSK 6test, all youneed is to reach the passing score (180/300) on the test. However, if you wishto use your scores to apply to a school in China,be sure to look up itsrequirements first. Some schools may requireyouto hit or exceed a certain score on the HSK 6testfor admittance.

Make your score goalaccordingly, and compare it with your mock test results. How far away were your mocktest scores from the passing score or cutoff score?

General rule: it takes approximately 2-3 hours of studying Chinese to earn one point on the HSK 6test.To make a test preparation schedule, subtract your score on your HSK 6 mocktest from your score goal. Then calculate the approximate number of study hours you’ll need to put in to reach your goal.

For example, your current score on a mocktest is: Listening 61, Reading 56, Writing 66, with a total of 183 points. You know the school you are applying to has a cutoff of 210 points, so there is a 27 points gap. You can aim to improve each category by 9 points (Listening 70, Reading 65, Writing 75), then you have to study for 54-81 hours.

Now, trying to improve each section equally may not be very practical, and you may find that you want to aim for higher scores on one or two of the sections.

For instance, if you still aimed for 210 points, your score goals could be: Listening 73, Reading 68, Writing 69. You can spend more time on your weaknesses. In the end, you’ll spend the same time learning and earn 210 points in total.

Keep in mind that these study hours are guidelines for the average studentand you may find that it takes you more or less time studying per section.Make your study schedule with these guidelines as a starting point, but be prepared to adjust if you find that you improve at a different rate.

Tip 6: Make a Weekly Study Plan

Look at your daily and weekly schedules and see how many hours a week you can spend studying for HSK 6.Even if your testdate isn’t for months, you’ll still want to try to budget at least 46hours of studying Chineseeach week.

Don’t panic if this seems impossible!

Studying Mandarin doesn’t always have to mean textbooks and grammar drills. Surrounding yourself and paying attention to the Chinese language – Chinese movies, TV shows, books, novels, or conversation – is just as important as sitting down and studyinggrammarandvocabulary.

Learning and retaining a language happens over time, and you can’t really cram for it or just study for one or two hours a week. It’s a good rule of thumb tostudy at least one hour each day, five days per week.

If possible, try to schedule the HSK 6test at least two months in advance.So if you study an average of 6 hours per week for 8.5 weeks, you’ll have studied 50 hours at the end of two months. At an average point improvement rate of 2.5 hours per point, you’ll earn approximately 20 points spread out over the listening, reading, and writing sections on HSK 6 in just two months.

Tip 7: Learn from Other Test-Takers

One of the best ways to ensure your HSK 6 test experience goes smoothly is to learn from those test-takers who’ve already passed the test.

Many test-takers sharetheir experiences of the HSK level 6 test in online forums.For some test-takers, the HSK 6 was easy and had no surprises. But for others, it was challenging and more stressful than they thought it’d be.

To shed light on what’s it like to take the HSK 6 test, and what does it take to pass the test, we also interviewed a few international students who took the test recently. To learn from their experience, read here, here and here.

Tip 8: Attend an HSK 6 Preparation Course

HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (7)

If you find it too challenging to prepare for the HSK 6 on your own, why not take a preparation course for the test?

A good teacher familiar with the HSK 6 test structure can save you considerable time and effort. You’ll learn the exact vocabulary, grammar structures, sentence patterns, and test-taking skills you need to put you in great shape going into your HSK 6Test.

Simply visit the website of your local Mandarin school or google “[your city name] + HSK 6preparation course”. If the schooldoesn’t have a readily available course, ask them if they can customize a program for you. After all, you’re the customer!

Some HSK 6preparation programs are noticeably better than others. If you live in China, here are our top picks.

1. MandarinRocks
Location: Shanghai, Beijing, and online
Cost: 185-215CNY/hour for 1-1 tutoring depending on how many hours you sign up
Link: www.mandarinrocks.com/Shanghai-HSK-preparation-course.asp

One of the oldest, best established Chinese language schools in China. Their HSK Preparation Course has a solid, successful history (95% of the students have passed the HSK exam after the course).

2. LTL School
Location: Shanghai, Beijing, Chengde, Xi’an, Beihai, and online
Cost: 200-260CNY/hour for 1-1 tutoring depending on how many hours you sign up
Link: ltl-school.com/hsk-exam

Awell-established Mandarin school with multiple branches. Their HSK classes are taught by experienced teachers who know exactly the tools you need to pass your HSK test.

3. That’s Mandarin
Location: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, and online
Cost: 196-350CNY/hour for 1-1 tutoring depending on how many hours you sign up

That’sMandarin has established a strong reputation in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language. They offer quality face-face HSK preparation coursesat their schoolsand on their online learning platform Mandarin Café.

4. ShanghaiTutors
Location: Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and online
Cost: average 130-180CNY/hour for 1-1 tutoring depending on the tutor, plus a 400CNY one-time service fee.
Link: http://shanghaitutors.com/hsk-preparation-lessons/

A reliable education platform providing tutor matching service. Some of their tutors are very experienced and skilled in HSK preparation and are happy to work out a personalized solution to help you prepare for the HSK 6test.

Tip 9: Get Plenty of Sleep the Night Before

Make sure youget plenty of sleep the night beforethe test day. Tiredness will affect your ability to concentrate and make the test feel longer and more difficult than it really is.

If your test center is far from where you live but there is no other option, considering staying at a hotel nearby.

And avoid studying long hours the day before the test. Your brain needs a break, so don’t try to cram more information into it when it’s already exhausted. This isnot the time to pull an all-nighter!

Instead, take it easy, lay out your clothes for the next day, eat your dinner, pack your bag, take a shower, set a couple of alarms and head to bed early. A good night’s sleep will give you higher test scores!

Tip 10: Eat a Good Breakfast

Even if you normally skip breakfast or avoid eating when you are nervous, do away with that on test day.Breakfast is extremely important, as your brain needs the energy to work at optimal capacity. You need to keep your mental focus on HSK 6and not on your hunger. It would be a shame to study intensively before your test and then be too fatigued physically to do your best on test day.

What’s A Good Breakfast on the HSK 6Test Day?

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Mental alertness is key during the test.Protein-rich foods, such aseggs, nuts, and yogurt are all good choices as they promote brain activity and alertness.Fruits and whole-grain cerealsare excellent as well, as they have been shown to promote quick thinking.

A good breakfast combination can be whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk/yogurt, eggs and toast with jam, porridge, oatmeal, or sugar-free muesli.

Make sure you have enough time to enjoy a healthy meal. If you really cannot stomach food, then try having a protein shake or smoothie.

You shouldavoid eating food made of flour, such as cookies, muffins, cakes, or any food high in refined sugar, such as chocolates, candies, desserts. Not only do they take longer to digest, but they can also give you an unexpected sugar rush during the test, making you jittery and distracted. Lots of carbs (such as rice or potato, pasta eaten in large quantities) can also have an adverse effect, as they can make you feel heavy and sleepy.

Tip 11: Drink Water during Test

You are allowed to take a transparent bottle of water or drink to the HSK examinationroom, so bring it.

Water is most likely your best option. Make sure you drink enough of it before and during your test. Dehydration can make you lose your concentration, feel faint, and sap your energy.

Tea also works, though without a lot of sugar.Avoid sugary drinkslike sodas and most fruit juices. These drinks will dehydrate you and hence promote weariness.

Avoid caffeinetoo, as it can increase your nervousness. However, if you are accustomed to drinking coffee regularly, then have a small cup (if you cut out the coffee suddenly and completely, you could end up with a caffeine-withdrawal headache).

HSK 6 Test Preparation: The Complete, Ultimate Guide for 2024 - ImproveMandarin (2024)
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