Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (2024)

by admin | Aug 8, 2015 | Jamaican Cuisine | 3 comments

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (1)

Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe, True authentic Jamaican style Sorrel Drink Recipe.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (2)

AJE (AjamaicaExperience), How do you make Jamaican sorrel drink?

Follow these simple steps and enjoy this all-natural delicious and refreshing, homemade Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe. Sorrel was discovered to have many health benefits. People use sorrel to help lower cholesterol which helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that sorrel drink helps to lower blood pressure, helps to prevent the clogging of arteries, helps to fuel the production of bile by the liver and it helps to keep your body strong. It’s also suggested that sorrel can help to fight certain kind of cancer. These are some of the many reasons and more why Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe is such a big hit. It tastes great and refreshing.

Studies About Sorrel

Further studies reveal that red sorrel calyx contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins include calcium (for strong bones), niacin (B vitamin used to increase HDL “the good cholesterol”), vitamin C, riboflavin, and a group of compounds. With the huge health benefits which hibiscus sabdariffa (which is the other name for sorrel) has to offer, many people use their imagination and cooking skills to take full advantage of the plant. For example, sorrel can be used to make sorrel soup, sorrel tea, and naturally, sorrel drink. However, sorrel is not United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved andeveryone should speak with their health provider before taking any kind of herbal supplement to replace prescribed medicines.

Here arepictures of the Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe ingredients which is needed to make “Jamaican Sorrel Drink.

As the saying goes, “A Picture is worth a Thousand Words.” The pictures below were organized in a step-by-step order, below were organized in a step-by-step order, detailing how to make Jamaican Sorrel Drink.

Nine Easy Steps for Your Sorrel Recipe

Step-1: Pickup your package of dry sorrel from your local supermarket that sells Red Sorrel or Jamaican Sorrel. The other option is to get with the times in the 21st Century and order your sorrel on the internet. There are many online stores on the internet that sell Jamaican Products. Luckily for the persons that grow their sorrel or know the farmer who cultivates sorrel, they will have easier access to fresh sorrel. Either way, the fresh sorrel must be dried before it is ready for use to make your sorrel drink.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (3)

Jamaican Sorrel in packages, stock high in the local supermarkets.

Step-2: The main two ingredients in the Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe which our family have used for generation are sorrel and ginger. While the ginger is optional, it does offer a nice twist for added flavor. Ginger is a plant that’s widely used as a spice for cooking. Many people add ginger to the sorrel drink. The ginger is boiled with the sorrel to extract all its nutrient and unique flavor. Ginger is also use independently in Jamaica and many other Countries to make a ginger drink, but in Jamaica it’s called ginger beer.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (4)

Dry Jamaican Sorrel, ready to make Jamaican sorrel drink.

Step-3: Beat the ginger to a crush, this will ensure the flavor and the nutrients is soaked and boiled out into the drink while making the sorrel.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (5)

Crush Ginger, then add to pot of water with sorrel before boiling.

Step-4: Soak the sorrel and ginger in water for about 30 minutes (optional). After soaking Sorrel and ginger, turn fire on and bring pot to a boil.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (6)

Boiled Jamaican Sorrel Drink and Ginger. Leave pot covered overnight after boiling or leave covered 8 – 10 hours.

Step-5: After the sorrel is boiled, allowable the sorrel to sit for 8-hrs. – 12 hours. Leave pot covered and let sorrel soak overnight. This allows maximum sorrel strength. If you are making the sorrel during the day, allowable the sorrel sit for 8-hrs. – 12 hours after boiling.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (7)

Sorrel Ginger drinks. After boiling and soaking, pour sorrel while straining into container.

Step-7: After the recommended period of soaking, it’s time to pour the drink/juice from the boiled sorrel and ginger into an alternate container. Use a fine strainer strain the sorrel. If the strainer is not fine, you may need an alternative method of straining to ensure none of the sorrels gets through the strain. Optional, slightly squeeze the sorrel in the strainer to get every last drop of juice. (Widely done by people living in the country).

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (8)

Jamaican Sorrel and Ginger been poured while straining.

Step-8: Now that the sorrel is ready for mixing. After sweetener is added, refrigerate to get that natural refreshing taste. Use brown sugar to sweeten sorrel to likeness. It’s better to drink when it cools naturally from the refrigerator rather than adding ice.
Optional: Add a drop of run to your Jamaican ‘Sorrel Drink Recipe or add the Jamaican Run to your single serving.

Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (9)

Jamaican Sorrel drink recipe made with Ginger.

Step-9: Now that the sorrel is complete, it’s ready drink and enjoy the health benefits.

Jamaican Sorrel drink recipe made with Ginger. Ready to drink while taking advantage of the health benefits that studies have discovered sorrel contains. Now when your friends asks, do you know how to make sorrel? you can say, “Sure I do.”

  1. Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (10)

    Viola Paulinon October 3, 2016 at 7:26 pm

    This sounds and look interesting, I tried sorrel for the first time not bad at all. Some day I might try my hand in making it, it seems easy , biggest thing is getting the sorrel plants.

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    • Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (11)

      adminon October 5, 2016 at 10:39 am

      Hi Viola, Thx for the visit. Sure you should make the sorrel drink, no need to try. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

      Especially now, it’s very popular in the island during the holiday seasons.

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  2. Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (12)

    Tamara Foremanon August 6, 2019 at 10:16 am

    I brought dried sorrel plants months ago. Now time to make it

    Log in to Reply

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Sorrel Recipe Jamaican Sorrel Drink Recipe (2024)


How much sorrel should you drink a day? ›

Consume 20-30 ml of the sorrel leaf solution twice a day or as suggested by the doctor.

What does sorrel drink do for the body? ›

Sorrel is used for reducing sudden and ongoing pain and swelling (inflammation) of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, for treating bacterial infections along with conventional medicines, and for increasing urine flow (as a diuretic). Sorrel is also an ingredient in the herbal cancer treatment Essiac.

Is sorrel drink good for high blood pressure? ›

Supports heart health

Other animal studies have also found that sorrel extract could help dilate blood vessels to prevent high blood pressure ( 13 , 14 ).

Who should not drink sorrel? ›

One four-year old child died after eating rhubarb leaves, which also contain oxalic acid. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Wood sorrel is UNSAFE for both mothers and infants. Avoid use. Blood-clotting (coagulation) problems: Chemicals in wood sorrel can make blood clot too fast.

Is Jamaican sorrel good for kidneys? ›

Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Kidney disease: Large amounts of sorrel might increase the risk of kidney stones. Speak with a healthcare professional before using sorrel if you have ever had or are at risk of getting kidney stones. Surgery: Sorrel can slow blood clotting.

Does sorrel detox your body? ›

Sorrel can be used as a detoxifying food as it is rich in vitamin C. Sorrel is an excellent diuretic and purgative since it contains flavonoids and other antioxidants. This aids in the elimination of toxic poisons from the body. Protocatechuic acid, found in sorrel leaves, assists in bodily detoxification.

Can sorrel drink go bad? ›

Make-Ahead and Storage. The strained sorrel can be kept refrigerated for up to 5 days.

Can diabetics drink sorrel? ›

Sorrel is a great source of antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that protect your cells from damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals. Antioxidants may help prevent many chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Is sorrel good for arthritis? ›

Flavonoids are also what give sorrel its rich, red colour. Some research suggests that these flavonoids can also help in the fight against cancer by killing certain types of cancer cells in the body. They can also act as an anti-inflammatory against such conditions as eczema and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the best drink in the morning for high blood pressure? ›

There are a range of drinks that may help lower a person's blood pressure in the morning. If a person with hypertension usually drinks coffee or sugary juice in the morning, it may be beneficial for them to swap it for beetroot juice, unsalted tomato juice, green tea, or unsweetened pomegranate juice.

Who should not drink hibiscus tea? ›

Who should not drink hibiscus tea? Those with low blood pressure and who take other medications may need to avoid hibiscus tea. The effects on pregnancy are not clear.

Is sorrel drink a laxative? ›

The fresh or dried leaves are considered astringent, diuretic (increasing urination), laxative (softening the bowel), and cooling. Juice of the leaf has also been applied topically for the treatment of itchy skin and for treatment of ringworm.

Is Jamaican sorrel the same as Hibiscus? ›

Sorrel is the Jamaican name for a type of hibiscus flower known as the Roselle. The dried sepals (the outer parts) of the hibiscus flower create a versatile and colorful red liquid when infused with hot water.

Is sorrel good for cholesterol? ›

Improved digestion: Sorrel is a good source of fiber, which helps to promote healthy bowel movements and digestion. It may help to reduce constipation, and can also help in preventing heart disease by reducing cholesterol.

What are sorrel and ginger good for? ›

Not only do Jamaican Sorrel and Ginger when combined have extremely high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Individually they are potent. Sorrel is rich in Iron, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium and Phosphorous. Iron aids in the healing of acne (wound healing).

Is sorrel drink good for weight loss? ›

Drinking sorrel beverages could also help you lose weight when consumed as part of a healthy diet. There is an acid contained in sorrel that helps the body break down excess starches and sugars and so aid healthy digestion.

How much water does sorrel need? ›

For the best results, sorrel should be started 4-6 weeks prior to the final frost of the spring. Sow shallowly, at a depth of approximately 1/4″. Keep well-moistened, and moderate water slightly once seeds start to germinate. After the plant is fully developed water them regularly; at least 1 inch per week.

Is sorrel better than spinach? ›

It outshines similar greens in terms of nutrients. Compared to spinach, it's significantly higher in fiber, protein, potassium, vitamin A, calcium, iron, B6, vitamin C (by nearly nine times), and magnesium (by nearly six times).

Does sorrel promote hair growth? ›

Hibiscus (Sorrel) Sabdariffa: rich in alpha hydroxy acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that promote hair growth and restore damaged hair.

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