Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (2024)

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe

When you make these Strawberry Muffins you will be in for a low carb treat. I made these muffins last Saturday for my family’s brunch. Every Sunday around my house we end up making brunch complete with eggs, bacon, and avocados however something was missing. We were missing something sweet and these Strawberry Muffins certainly do hit the spot.

I highly recommend these low carb muffins because my non-keto wife gave these low carb muffins her seal of approval. Our 9-year-old daughter loved the muffin recipe so much that she asked me to make these Strawberry Muffins every Sunday. It is for this reason why I decided to post this simple low carb muffin recipe today.

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (1)

Simple Ingredients make delicious Strawberry Muffins

Another great thing to note about this low carb muffin recipe is how simple the ingredients are. There are keto cupcake recipes that are delicious yet require too much work for brunch due to the frosting. These Strawberry Muffins have no frosting and therefore take only 40 minutes to make. A muffin is merely a naked cupcake after all.

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (2)

Although the measurements should be as precise as possible there is a little bit of breathing room when making this low carb muffin recipe. I have included both the weighted and cups measurements in this recipe because it is very forgiving.

Why I choose to eat a low carb diet

I chose to eat a ketogenic diet above all to keep my autoimmune disease Rheumatoid Arthritis supresseed. I have found that eating too much sugar even when found in fruits can adversely affect my symptoms.

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (3)

This can include joint pain, fatigue and inflammation. When eaten in small doses I have discovered that Strawberries do not cause flare ups of my disease and for this I am grateful.

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (4)

Strawberry Muffins and the Keto Diet

Can you eat Strawberries on a keto diet?

Yes! 100 Grams of Strawberries contain only about 6 net carbohydrates and 33 calories. It is for this reason why Strawberries are ideal for low carb diets. As long as you are paying attention to how many strawberries you are putting into this strawberry muffin recipe then you will be fine.

What fruits are ok to eat on a keto diet?

The answer here is yes as long as you pay attention to the carb counts and remember that fruit is natures candy and should be treated as such. When compared to other fruits such as bananas that contain about 20 carbs per 100 grams, strawberries are the logical choice.

Here are a few examples of lower carb fruits and berries.
Raspberries: Half a cup (60 grams) contains3grams of carbs.
Blackberries: Half a cup (70 grams) contains4 grams of carbs.
Plum: One medium-sized (65 grams) contains7grams of carbs.
Blueberries: Half a cup (75 grams) contains9 grams of carbs.
Diet Dr.

What fruits should I avoid when eating a keto diet?

Unless you want to blow all your carbs in one banana be careful when eating the following fruits with high carb counts.
Banana (1 medium):27 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber (9).
Raisins (1 oz / 28 grams):22 grams of carbs, 1 of which is fiber (10).
Dates (2 large):36 grams of carbs, 4 of which are fiber (11).
Mango (1 cup, sliced):28 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber (12).
Pear (1 medium):28 grams of carbs, 6 of which are fiber (13).

Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (5)
Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (6)

Yield: 12 Muffins

Low Carb Strawberry Muffins are easy to make and delicious. You will never believe these are low carb - they're that good.



  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line a muffin tin with cupcake liners.
  2. Combine the melted coconut oil, erythritol, eggs, Vanilla, salt and maple extract together in side of a food processor. Pulse until combined fully.
  3. Add the almond flour and baking powder and pulse until combined and the batter is smooth. Slowly while still running the food processor pour the almond milk down the shoot into the batter. You might need to add more or less depending on the consistency of your almond flour. The batter should be like grainy play dough.
  4. Fold in the chopped strawberries and then spoon the strawberry muffin batter into each cupcake liner. Place the Strawberry Muffins in the oven for about 25-30 minutes. The cupcakes are done when you can insert a toothpick inside the center of a muffin and it comes out dry. Allow the Strawberry Muffins to cool for 15 minutes before serving.


These low carb muffins will keep for a few day's in an enclosed container on the counter or even longer in the refridgerator.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size

1 Muffin

Amount Per Serving Calories 154Total Fat 13.9gCarbohydrates 2.4gProtein 5.7g

Strawberry Muffins

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Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (15)

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Strawberry Muffins : An Amazing Low Carb Muffins recipe (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.