When does summer break start for Florida students? (2024)

When does summer break start for Florida students?

For most students, school will end before the Memorial Day holiday on May 27. Others, though, will return to the classroom for some or all of the rest of the week.

For students in two Florida school districts, the 2023-2024 school year runs into June.

When is school over in Florida?

Here's when the 2023-2024 school year ends for students in each Florida county:

Later start times coming to Florida schools

In May 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law a requirement for later start times for middle and high schools throughout Florida.

The law prevents middle schools from beginning the “instructional day” earlier than 8 a.m., while high schools will be barred from starting the school day before 8:30 a.m.

The later start times will be required by the 2026-2027 school year.The law gave school districts three years to develop plans to implement the changes to the earlier times.

When is the earliest date Florida schools can start?

HB733 stated the opening day of schools may not be any earlier than Aug. 10.

When does the 2024-2025 school year start in Florida?

Almost every Florida school will start the 2024-2025 school year on the first possible date — Aug. 12 — after Aug. 10, which falls on a Saturday this year.

Florida back-to-school sales tax holiday

A 14-day back-to-school sales tax holiday is proposed from July 29 to Aug. 11, 2024, for clothing, footwear, and backpacks costing $100 or less, school supplies costing $50 or less, learning aids costing $30 or less, and personal computers or computer-related accessories, including non-recreational software, costing $1,500 or less.

When does summer break start for Florida students? (2024)


When does summer break start for Florida students? ›

When does summer break start for Florida students? For most students, school will end before the Memorial Day holiday on May 27. Others, though, will return to the classroom for some or all of the rest of the week. For students in two Florida school districts, the 2023-2024 school year runs into June.

What month does school end in Florida? ›

When does school end in Florida? For students in most Florida public schools, school will end before the arrival of Memorial Day on May 27. For students in 25 counties, they'll head back to school after the holiday for anywhere from one to four days to finish the school year.

How long is summer break in Florida? ›

How long is summer break in Florida? Summer break in Florida lasts around 11 weeks, with most schools ending on May 26 and starting up again on Aug. 10.

Why does Florida start school in August? ›

Q: Why does school always seem to start on August 10? A: Florida Statute 1001.42 (f) does not allow Florida schools to begin before August 10. To get in the number of required days in the first semester and while working around holidays, it is necessary to start in early August.

What date do American schools break up for summer? ›

In the United States, depending on the region, summer break is approximately two to three months, with students typically finishing the school year in late May or early June and starting the new year in mid-late August or early September.

When can you stop going to school in Florida? ›

When a student reaches 16 years of age he/she is no longer required to attend school if he/she files the required formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment with the school district and the declaration is signed by the parent.

What time does Florida school get out? ›

Elementary8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Middle9:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
High7:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Which state has the longest school year? ›

Seven states set minimums less than 180 days, with Colorado having the lowest requirement at 160 days. Four states require more than 180 days, with Kansas as the leader. The Sunflower State mandates 186 days for kindergarten through 11th grade (and 181 days for 12th grade).

How long is a break in Florida? ›

Generally speaking, many companies offer one unpaid 30-lunch break during an 8-hour shift and a paid 15-minute rest break after every 4 hours of work.

Is summer break 2 or 3 months? ›

Summer break in California usually lasts for 2 to 2 ½ months, starting in late May until the idle of August.

What day does school start in 2024 in Florida? ›

The first day of school for the 2024/25 school year is Monday, August 12, 2024. "We are pleased to announce the 2024/25 school calendar, which has been carefully considered to meet the needs of our students, families and staff,” BCPS Superintendent Dr.

Which states start school in August? ›

Meanwhile, in the West South Central region (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana), 94 percent of students headed back to class during the middle of August. In the East South Central region (Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee), 69 percent of students went back to school between August 7 and 11.

Why do Americans go back to school in August? ›

How did late August/early September become the default time of year for the start of school? Well, the answer might surprise you. The school year actually dates back to when the farming schedule took precedence over everything else—yes, even school. Farming can only be done in the spring, summer, and fall.

Which country has the shortest summer break? ›

Which country has the longest school year and shortest summer vacation? - Quora. South Korea is often cited as having one of the longest school years and the shortest summer vacation among countries worldwide.

Which country has the longest school holidays? ›

In five European countries (Italy, Romania, Latvia Turkey, and Albania) students have up to thirteen weeks off school, while in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Liechtenstein, schools break up for only six weeks.

What are the school holidays in Florida? ›

Holidays (students off) include:
  • Labor Day (Sept. ...
  • Teacher Duty Day (Oct. ...
  • Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 25 - 29)
  • Winter Break (Dec. 23 - Jan. ...
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Jan. ...
  • President's Day (Feb. ...
  • Spring Break (March 14 - 21)
  • Mid-term Break (April 18)
Jul 9, 2024

How long does school last in Florida? ›

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the minimum amount of instruction time for Florida students is 180 days. That amount of time is typical across the country, although there are a few states requiring slightly fewer or more days.

What month does school end in us? ›

Summer is still a popular time for family vacations, and most have a two or three-month summer vacation. The academic year typically runs from August or early September until the end of May or early June, depending on the length of the year and number of the holiday, vacation, and snow days occurring during the year.

What is the last day of school for Palm Beach County? ›

When is the last day of school in Palm Beach County 2024? It's Thursday, May 30.

Do Florida public schools go year round? ›

In May 2023, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Florida HB 891 into law, establishing a four-year school attendance model for year-round education beginning in the 2024-2025 school year.

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