Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (2024)

Dementia and Alzheimer's are truly horrible and cruel diseases. But new research is showing that you can not only 100% prevent them from occurring, you can actually reverse their effects!

Here's 10 of the best natural treatments, herbal supplements and home remedies for dementia and Alzheimer's according to the experts...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated June 4, 2024 -- This post containsaffiliate links

Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (1)

Dementia is such a shocking disease. Because the mentaland behavioural changes happen so gradually in a sufferer, you’re left to watchyour loved one slowly deteriorate before your eyes and you grieve every timethey take a turn for the worst.

This is one illness that’s particularly closeto home for me, having watched my mother-in-law suffer from this disease for overten years. The first signs were small and subtle, but slowly became morefrequent. Things such as leaving appliances on, repeating herself inconversation, and paranoia all gradually got worse until eventually she had tobe placed in a high care home that caterers for dementia and Alzheimer’spatients. My father-in-law looked after her for as long as he could (and did anamazing job) but the eventual strain took its toll on him. I also watched mywife grieve every time she saw her mom slip down further. The day her momforgot who she was, was especially hard for her.

I must admit, I never likedgoing into the dementia ward at that home. Seeing so many patients walkingaround like zombies was incredibly sad (not being disrespectful here but that’sexactly how they look). Many of these people were doctors, lawyers, nurses,engineers, once upon a time, and now they couldn’t even remember their ownname. The hardest part for us was my mother-in-law passed away before we discovered there were actually natural remedies available for treating dementia (and that many were producingsome truly astonishing results).Hindsight is always a wonderful thing though.

Diseases That Come Under the Dementia “Umbrella”…

Dementia is not actually a single disease or illness initself. It’s a “shared term” used to describe the difficulties people withvarious underlying brain problems or brain damage can have with their thinking,memory, and speech (cognitive decline). So it’s basically a broadterm used to describe a loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills,and what would be considered normal emotional reactions in a person. Alzheimer’s,vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Parkinson’s,ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease or motor neuron disease) and Huntington’s disease allcome under the dementia umbrella. Incredibly, one new case of dementia isdiagnosed every 4 seconds around the world. That tells you the sheer scope ofthis brutal disorder and how many lives are being affected. Of course,Alzheimer’s makes up the bulk of dementia sufferers (60-80%), followed by vasculardementia.

Causes ofDementia…

Dementia is essentially the slow and progressive dying ofbrain cells, usually resulting from a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s.However, dementia can also be caused by a head injury, stroke or brain tumor,which can result in vascular dementia (lack of blood flow to the brain). Dementiasymptoms will usually begin to develop in Parkinson’s, ALS and Huntington’spatients as these diseases progress. The medical profession will tell you thatno one really knows what causes dementia, but the truth is, environmentalfactors play a huge role. The build-up of toxins, chemicals and heavy metals inthe brain are one of the main instigators, along with nutritional deficiencies.Hay fever treatments and over the counter sleeping pills also increase the riskof dementia related diseases such as Alzheimer’s according to a new study. Youcan read about it here.

Dr Joseph Mercola also recommends avoiding fluvaccinations as most still contain high amounts of aluminium and mercury. Bothof these are powerful neurotoxins and immunotoxins, which are believed to beone of the root causes of dementia. In addition, he say’s to avoid all anticholinergicand statin drugs…

“Drugs that block acetylcholine, a nervous systemneurotransmitter, have been shown to increase your risk of dementia. Thesedrugs include certain night-time pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids,certain antidepressants, medications to control incontinence, and certainnarcotic pain relievers. Statin drugs are particularly problematic because theysuppress the synthesis of cholesterol, deplete your brain of coenzyme Q10 andneurotransmitter precursors, and prevent adequate delivery of essential fattyacids and fat-soluble antioxidants to your brain by inhibiting the productionof the indispensable carrier biomolecule known as low-density lipoprotein”.

Symptoms of Dementia…

The most common symptoms of dementia have to do withmemory loss. Very often a sufferer will know their memory is fading and willtry to hide it or cover up their forgetfulness and inconsistencies. Others(such as my mother-in-law) will not even know, and it will be their friends andfamily who begin to pick up and see the signs. Here’s a list of some of themore common signs and symptoms that start to appear in dementia patients…

  • Recent Memory Loss and Forgetfulness - Such as asking thesame question repeatedly and forgetting that it’s already been asked. Repeatingsentences.
  • Difficulty With Everyday Tasks – For example, making a simplebeverage such as a cup of tea or coffee, or cooking a meal, then forgetting aboutit and leaving it.
  • Communication Problems - Difficulty with language. Forgettingsimple words or using the wrong ones. Slurring.
  • Disorientation With Where They Currently Are – Forexample, getting lost on a once familiar street and forgetting how they even gotthere (or how they’re going to get home).
  • PoorJudgement– Such as looking after a child then forgettingabout them and going off to do something else.
  • Generalized Thinking Problems – Dealing with money, usingcredit cards, etc.
  • Misplacing Items - Including putting them in the wrongplace then being unable to remember doing this.
  • Mood Changes – Such as alternating between happy, sad andangry in the space of a few minutes. Swinging quickly through a set of moods.
  • Personality Changes – For example, becoming irritable,suspicious or fearful.
  • Lack of Motivation - Showing less interest in startingsomething or going somewhere.

The Alzheimer’s Association also has their own list ofsymptoms to watch out for. You can view it here… Knowthe 10 Signs.

Medical Options for Treating Dementia…

There are various pharmaceutical medications availablewhich are designed to treat one or more of the symptoms. Antidepressants, moodstabilizers and antipsychotics are the most common. But all of these drugs comewith risks, many of which are severe. A new study from the University ofMichigan Health System found that medications for dementia may significantly increasepatient’s health risks. What’s more, the risk increases with the dosage of thesemedications, along with drug interactions (when two or more medications areused and react negatively with each other). Cindy D. Marshall, MD, medicaldirector of the Baylor Memory Center in Dallas, Texas, talks about some of therisks of these medications...

"TheFDA issued a 2005 black block warning on the use of antipsychotics in dementiapatients due to mounting evidence showing increased mortality. The mechanism ofdeath is not specifically defined in the data, but typically includescerebrovascular events (such as stroke), cardiovascular events (such as heartattack) and infections (such as pneumonia)." 1

Other psychiatric medications such as the mood stabilizer,valproic acid (Depakene, Depacon, Depakote, Stavzor) also carry higher risksand much less benefit, according to Dr. Maust and his research team. With thenewer and more commonly used antipsychotics, the risk definitely increases withhigher dosages.

In addition to these, you have cholinergic treatments and memantine treatments, which are designed to stabilize the symptoms ofAlzheimer’s and Parkinson's disease. However, these have been found to have limited ability andonly work for a short while.

Can NaturalRemedies Help to Treat and Even Reverse Dementia?

The answer to this question is a definite yes!! You justneed to start treating the affected person as soon as possible (the earlier thebetter). But even if they are in the latter stages of the disease, you canstill help them tremendously by using natural therapies. In fact, you won’tbelieve the astounding changes that will happen, even within a few short weeks.And the best part about using natural remedies for treating dementia overpharmaceutical medications is there are no harmful side effects!

All of thesenatural treatments and home remedies are safe. You have nothing to lose by trying them, solet’s get started with our top 10 recommendations in order of importance…

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #1: CoconutOil…

Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (2)

Coconut oil works so incredibly well for dementiapatients it almost seems like a “magic bullet” treatment. Coconut oil containssubstances called ketones, which are a powerful brain food (one of the bestactually). The healthy fats contained in coconut oil also help to rebuild thelining of the nerves so brain communication is increased and healthy nervefunction is enhanced. Virtually all dementia suffers (especially Alzheimer’s andParkinson’s patients) who try it receive overwhelmingly positive benefits. Ihad the privilege of interviewing world-renowned coconut oil expert and author,Dr Bruce Fife, not so long ago and he spoke extensively about the power ofcoconut oil for preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s disease (and backed it upwith some very reputable studies).

Here’s a snippet of what Dr Fife had to say in thatinterview…

Coconutketone therapy has the potential to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s,reverse it, and in some cases completely eliminate the disease.

Themedical research on coconut oil derived ketone therapy is remarkable. In onestudy for example, Alzheimer’s patients were split into two groups. Each groupwas given a beverage to drink. The beverage given to one group contained MCFAsfrom coconut oil, the other beverage contained the types of fatty acidsordinarily found in the diet. Ninety minutes later the investigators had thepatients take cognitive and memory tests. The results showed that thosepatients that consumed the beverage with MCFAs scored significantly higher onthe tests.

Thisstudy was remarkable for three primary reasons. First, it demonstrated thatMCFAs do have a positive effect on Alzheimer’s patients. This is incrediblebecause no drug currently in use has shown a positive effect like this. The verybest Alzheimer’s drugs can do is to slightly slow down the progression of thedisease. None have ever been able to stop it or even produce any improvement.MCFAs showed actual improvement.

Second,the results of the MCFAs were seen almost immediately: just ninety minutesafter taking the drink the patients shown measurable improvement on testscores.

Third,the improvement was seen after only one dose of MCFAs. The patients didn’t needto take hundreds of doses of a drug for months at a time to see any benefit,the benefit was measureable after a single dose. There is no drug on the marketthat can come close to matching the effects Alzheimer’s patients get fromcoconut oil.

I suggest you take the time to read the full interviewhere on the extraordinary health benefits of coconut oil… Terrific Interview WithCoconut Oil Expert Dr Bruce Fife.

Dr. Beverly Teeter, a renowned researcher from theUniversity of Maryland who specializes in dietary fats, say’s the benefits ofcoconut oil for treating Alzheimer’s patients can be extended to Parkinson’s,ALS, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism and other neurological and nervous systemdisorders as well. One woman, Dr. Mary Newport, started giving coconut oil to herAlzheimer’s husband and witnessed some astonishing improvements in his mental,emotional and physical health. This special CBN news story on Steve Newport’samazing recovery from Alzheimer’s disease is definitely one you cannot misswatching! You can view it here… Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimer’s Remedy.

And if you still have any doubts, you can read somepowerful stories and testimonials on the marvellous healing power of coconutoil for dementia and Alzheimer’s here…

How Much Coconut Oil Do You Need to Take?

Firstly, understand that you cannot overdose on coconutoil… ever! However, too much in the beginning can cause mild diarrhea in somepeople so it’s best to start off slow and gradually build up. Two tablespoonstaken three times daily in divided doses (with food) is best to begin with.After a few weeks you can then increase to four tablespoonsconsumed three times per day. Just make sure the coconut oil you buy is 100% organic, virgin coconut oil. Processed coconut oil contains trans fatty acidsand should never be eaten.

In addition to taking coconut oil every day, it’s also agood idea to make up some coconut milk and use this instead of drinking cow’smilk. Processed dairy is exceptionally bad for dementia suffers (and should beavoided completely) but coconut milk is exceptionally good! You can find outhow to easily make your own coconut milk here…

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #2: CinnamonExtract…

Researchers have now been able to confirm that dementia diseases such as Alzheimer’s are actually a form of diabetes. In fact,Alzheimer’s is now being labelled as type III diabetes. What this means is thebrain has basically become “insulin resistant”. But what’s really exciting isthat cinnamon extract, which works extremely well for type I and type IIdiabetes, also works very well for dementia – especially Alzheimer’s disease…

In a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers found two compounds incinnamon extract help stop the disintegration and dysfunction of the tau protein.By keeping this protein strong, scientists believe neurofibrillary tangles (these“tangles” are thought to be a prime suspect and cause in brain disorders suchas Alzheimer’s disease) can be prevented and even reversed. Insulin and insulinreceptors located in the brain are also essential for memory and cognitivefunctions, and these have been found to be significantly lower in Alzheimer’s patients.But cinnamon regulates brain insulin activity, which in turn, helps to restorenormal brain functioning. 2

The Right Type of Cinnamon…

Make sure you only ever use cinnamon extract or cinnamonbark extract (capsules or powder) that come from Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Do not butcheap cinnamon such as cassia or any products that contain this type ofcinnamon. It won’t work anywhere near as well!! You can find some reputablebrands here if you’re interested…

Take a heaped teaspoon of cinnamon powder 3 times dailywith or without meals and use it in your cooking as much as possible. You canalso make up a delicious cinnamon and ginger tea for an extra supply if youwish (ginger is also very good for dementia). With the capsules, a total of 3grams daily (or more) will be required for best results.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #3: B GroupVitamins, Vitamin D and Vitamin E…

Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (3)

A study published in Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences revealed the B group vitamins, inparticular, vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid, can help slow the progression ofAlzheimer’s disease. What was stated in the article is quite exciting fordementia sufferers as well as those wanting to prevent the disease…

"Thefact that B-family vitamins may play a significant role in dementia, or morespecifically in warding it off has been consistently illustrated. What is newsfrom the current study, however, is that high-dose B-vitamin treatment inpeople at risk for the disease 'slowed shrinkage of whole brain volume,' andespecially reduced shrinkage in areas known to be affected in Alzheimer'sdisease."

Vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 are needed by the bodyto form neurotransmitters, making them crucial for the health and correctfunctioning of the nervous system and brain. B12 is essential for theproduction of substance known as myelin, the white sheath that surrounds nervefibers. The B group vitamins, especially folic acid, also help to reducehom*ocysteine levels in the body, another major precursor of dementia anddementia related diseases.

A vitamin D deficiency has been repeatedly linked tobrain problems such as poor memory and recall attainability. Researchersbelieve that vitamin D protects brain cells and may even be able to helpdamaged neurons regenerate. Vitamin D is also a strong anti-inflammatory andimmune boosting nutrient. Because inflammation and low immunity are such powerfulfactors in the onset and development of dementia diseases, vitamin D couldquite possibly be the most important and crucial nutrient for all dementiasufferers.

Vitamin E, on the other hand, has also been found toprevent and even treat dementia diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In fact, 60years ago in the animal industry, farmers were actually able to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease in animals by feeding them high doses of vitamin E.Then after human studies on vitamin E and Alzheimer’s disease some 30 yearslater (we’re obviously a little slower to catch up) the University ofCalifornia and the Salk Institute came out and said… “Vitamin E can ease memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients”. 3

Best Sources of B Group Vitamins, vitamin D and VitaminE…

For vitamin B12, a sublingual spray containingmethylcobalamin is the absolute best and most absorbable way to get your dailydose (a few sprays under the tongue and you’re done). Here’s what one lookslike… B12 Sublingual Spray. For the other B group vitamins (and an extra doseof B12), a good quality B complex supplement will suffice.

For your vitamin D, there are two ways. Firstly, get outin the sun! 20-40 minutes of regular sun exposure a day (depending on thetemperature) is still the best way to receive the vitamin D your body needs. Themost important areas of exposure are the face and back of the hands. Inaddition to this, and especially if you live in cold climates, supplementationwith vitamin D3 (the same as what the sun makes) is crucial. Best sources arevitamin D3 supplements and cod liver oil. Just remember too, our body’s needlots of vitamin D so don’t be afraid of overdosing on this vital nutrient(vitamin D expert, Dr Cedric Garland, recommends a minimum of 5000 IU’s ofvitamin D per day so I suggest you follow his guidelines and not the RDA).

For vitamin E, the best source is without a doubtunprocessed red palm oil. The benefit of red palm oil is not only is itincredibly high in the eight different forms of molecules categorized as vitaminE (including the “king of kings” alpha-tocopherol), it’s also high in thehealthy ketone fats all dementia sufferers need. And in addition, red palm oil helps with blood circulation, along withproviding powerful neuroprotection just for good measure!

Even Dr Oz says red palm oil is a miracle oil forlongevity so start getting some into you or your loved one as soon as you can.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #4:Mineral Supplements…

Minerals are commonly referred to as “the sparks of life”.They are what keep our body battery going and keep it charged. Minerals arealso needed by the brains “electrical circuit” to function properly. You maynot know this but your brain is one incredible and very intricate circuitboard. Every time you think a thought (or every time your brain is at work isprobably a better description), little “sparks” and electrical currents are busyracing and crisscrossing each other in a dazzling and spectacular light show. Infact, while you’re brains at work it's actually producing enough electricity topower a light bulb!

So how it basically works is when you think a thought, that particular thought is then transferred or relayed to the area of the brainthat needs it by “sparks” or electricity. And minerals are one of the crucialcomponents that make this all happen and make the process run smoothly. Butwhen your brain lacks the minerals it needs for this process to work correctly,these sparks begin to “jump” in the wrong places. Or even worse, they don’tjump at all! This is thebeginnings and eventual progressionof diseases suchas Alzheimer’s.

How toContinuously Replenish the Brain (And Body) With These Essential Nutrients…

Our bodies need over 60 essential minerals and traceelements every day to function correctly and at its peak. Exactly how manyminerals our brain needs to function properly, no one really knows. But it’slots! Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the brain and forhealthy nerve function (this is also one mineral that’s severely lacking fromour modern day diets). Studies have shown that dementia sufferers can improve, some quite dramatically in fact, from correct mineral supplementation.

Liquidcolloidal minerals are the best and most absorbable way to get the required 60+minerals your body and brain needs every day (they’re the only way really). Formagnesium, a transdermal magnesium spray is the best way to go. Magnesium istough for the body to absorb but with a transdermal magnesium spray, it’spenetrated directly into the blood stream via the skin. If this is notpractical or you don’t like the idea of spraying an oil on your skin every day,there is a terrific magnesium supplement available called Natural Calm, whichis actually one of the very few oral magnesium supplements on the market that’shighly absorbable (and doesn’t taste awful). You can check it out here if you're interested… NaturalCalm.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #5:Omega-3’s…

Omega-3 fatty acids are yet another fat that are incrediblyhealthy for the brain and nervous system. They contain the EPA and DHA essentialfatty acids, which help to prevent brain cell damage and keep the nervoussystem in peak working order. And they don’t just help to slow down the progressionof dementia diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s either, theyalso help to lower ones risk of developing the disease in the first place.

Best sources of omega-3’s are fish oil, cod liver oil andkrill oil. Krill oil is probably the pick of the bunch because it contains asubstance called Astaxanthin, which is a potent “brain food”and has been shown in studies to help prevent neurodegeneration of the brain.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #6: Build-Upthe Immune System…

Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (4)

This is probably one of the most overlooked remedies andtreatments for dementia. Stamford University have discovered that boosting thebody’s immune system can help with Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s what was statedin an article published in the UK's,The Telegraph

“Alzheimer'scould be prevented and even cured by boosting the brain's own immune response,new research suggests. Researchers at Stanford University discovered that nervecells die because cells (known as microglial cells) which are supposed to clearthe brain of bacteria, viruses and dangerous deposits, stop working”. 4

This makes perfect sense, since bacteria, viruses and“dangerous deposits” such as mercury and aluminium have now been vindicated asprime suspects in the onset and development of diseases suchas Alzheimer’s. In fact, researchers from Umea University found that the herpessimplex virus increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They said… "Our results clearly show that there isa link between infections of herpes simplex virus and the risk of developingAlzheimer's disease”.

So building up the body’s immune system and keeping thesemicroglial cells healthy and in tip top condition is absolutely vital forthe prevention and reversal of dementia, particularly in regards to Alzheimer’sdisease. For some of the best (and fastest) ways to do this, have a read of “The Top13 Ways to Boost Your Immunity” from our June newsletter here… TakeYour Health to a Whole New Level With These Powerful Immune Boosting Tips!

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #7:Chlorella and Borax (Boron)…

It’s no secret (at least in the natural health circles) thatan accumulation of heavy metals in the brain, particularly mercury, aluminium,lead and fluoride, are one of the major causes of dementia. These heavy metals triggerwhat’s commonly known as “brain drain”. Heavy metal toxicity also wreaks havocon the body’s nervous system, which is why diseases such as Parkinson’s,Huntington’s and motor neuron disease have been linked to heavy metalaccumulation. 6

So the flushing out (chelation) of these heavy metalsfrom the nervous system and brain is definitely a top priority for theprevention and treatment of dementia. And the two best ways to accomplish thisis through the supplementation of a stunning superfood called chlorella andBorax powder (yes I know it’s classed as an ant killer but stay with me on thisone).

Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier, probably the mostpowerful yet discovered in fact. It has a unique ability to pull heavy metalsout of the body but leave the good minerals (essential minerals) alone.Chlorella also removes other toxic poisons, chemicals and pesticides from thedigestive tract so they don’t enter the bloodstream and poison the body. ARussian study found that chlorella, combined with cilantro (coriander), wasable to remove all heavy metals from the body, including mercury, with noadverse side effects. These remarkable benefits make chlorella the #1 detoxfood available, followed closely by Borax.

Borax can also be used to remove heavy metals from thebody, including the brain and nervous system. Walter Last, in hisground-breaking article on Borax as an arthritis cure, makes mention of usingborax to remove heavy metals, particularly fluoride (which is incredibly toxicto the brain) from the body, safely and effectively. Borax(boron) is also veryeffective at balancing hormone levels in both men and women. According to famedauthor and medical doctor, Dr Mark Hyman, hormone imbalances are another majorcause of dementia. 7

Now, in case you don’t already know, Borax is actuallyused as a food preservative so don’t be scared off by it. For more informationon the astonishing health benefits of Borax, I strongly recommend you take thetime to read Walter Last’s stunning article. There you will also find recommendeddosages, along with lots of other health problems Borax can help with. Here’sthe link… The Borax Conspiracy.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #8: Cholesterol…

For years now we’ve been told that cholesterol is bad forus and if we eat too much we’ll end up dropping dead of a heart attack.

Wellthis information is totally false!

And thankfully, the truth on this one isfinally coming out. So many articles (such as this one) are finally relaying the real facts, that eatingcholesterol containing foods doesn’t cause heart disease and that cholesterol actually helps to preventand treat dementia and Alzheimer’s!

Think about this… your brain by weight is 75% purecholesterol. And the insulating material that surrounds your brain is actually100% pure cholesterol. Without enough cholesterol, this “insulation” begins toshrink, which also causes your brain to shrink!

Remember what I said about minerals and the brains electricalcircuit board? You can ask any qualified electrician about this… if you don’tinsulate electrical wires or currents then the electricity is basically free to“jump” wherever it pleases (this is why electrical wires are always wrapped inrubber or plastic; it gives insulation). Well, your brain is exactly thesame. Without enough insulation (cholesterol) your brains electrical currents(sparks) aren’t going to hit their mark, so to speak. The result? Neurologicalproblems and diseases such as Alzheimer’s. This is another reason whycholesterol lowering drugs are so dangerous and are actually one of the causesof Alzheimer’s disease!

Here’s what neurology specialist, Dr NatashaCampbell-McBride, has to say about this…

“Inmy clinic, I see growing numbers of people with memory loss who have beentaking cholesterol-lowering pills. Dr Duane Graveline, MD, former NASA scientistand astronaut, suffered such memory loss while taking his cholesterol pill. Hemanaged to save his memory by stopping the pill and eating lots ofcholesterol-rich foods. Since then he has described his experience in his book,Lipitor: Thief of Memory, Statin Drugs and the Misguided War on Cholesterol.Dietary cholesterol in fresh eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods has beenshown in scientific trials to improve memory in the elderly. In my clinicalexperience, any person with memory loss or learning problems needs to haveplenty of these foods every single day in order to recover”. 8

So be sure you or your loved one get enough cholesterol everyday by taking some cod liver oil and eating at least two eggs each day,along with eating plenty of cold water fish, shellfish, natural butter, redmeat (including the fat) and chicken with the skin on. 3

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #9: Foodsto Avoid Foods to Eat…

Certain foods definitely help with the prevention and treatmentof dementia, while other foods are guaranteed to make this condition much worse.

The foods and liquids you should be eating and drinkingmore of are the staples. These include…

  • Filtered water – Helps to flush toxins from the body andhydrate the cells (including brain cells).
  • Green tea or Matcha tea – Both contain powerfulantioxidants known as catechins which remove harmful toxins and chemicals fromthe body. A component in these teas has also been shown to decrease brainbeta-amyloid plaque formation.
  • Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Chilli’s (Cayennepepper), Rosemary,Corianderand Garlic – All of these herbs andspices are potent anti-viral,anti-inflammatory and immune boosting foods (everything dementia sufferersneed).
  • Reishi and Cordyceps mushrooms – Both are immune boostingand contain strong neuro-protective properties.
  • Probiotics – Needed for healthy gut function, which inturn produces healthy brain function and healthy immunity. You can learn how tomake your own fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and yoghurthere… Cultures for Health.
  • Whole foods – Eating plenty of organic mixed berries,green leafy vegetables, liver (if you can stomach it), nuts and seeds such aschia and flaxseeds is vital. When it comes to buying these, fresh isdefinitely best.

For the foods you should be avoiding or not eating atall, here’s the top ones…

  • Margarine – This is a man-made death food that’sguaranteed to fry your brain and make brain disorders such as dementia much worse.Don’t touch it with a ten foot pole!
  • Refined (processed) sugars – Makes your blood sticky andrestricts circulation to areas of the brain. Another man-altered death food.
  • Gluten – Has been repeatedly linked to brain disorders andlearning disabilities so all gluten containing foods are best avoided.
  • Trans fats – Margarine, all baked goods, fast food andvegetable oils (especially the ones that you find sitting on the shelf insupermarkets in clear bottles) are full of brain damaging trans fats and freeradicals. These must all be completely avoided if you want to prevent orreverse dementia.
  • Processed dairy – Pasteurized milk, cheese, cream andyoghurts are toxic gunk that stick to the lining of the gut and prevent theabsorption of nutrients. Unless you have access to unpasteurized dairyproducts, use alternatives such as coconut milk or almond milk.

Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Treatment Option #10: Stay Active (Physically and Mentally)…

Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (5)

Remaining mentally and physically active has been wellproven to not only delay the onset of dementia, but also help to improve thesymptoms and even reverse the disease. When it comes to using your brain, theold saying “You Snooze You Lose” is definitely true. If you don’t keep yourbody active it will eventually become stiff and seize up on you, and your brainis no different. So you must keep it active and working. There’s a directcorrelation between mental stimulation, such as learning something new or doingpuzzles, and a decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's. Researchers believemental challenges help to build up the brain, and by doing this, make it less proneto developing the lesions that can cause Alzheimer's disease. What’s more,mental stimulation also helps to delay brain deterioration in people whoalready have the disease, and in many cases, can even reverse it.

Staying physically active is also crucial for delayingand improving the onset and development of dementia and has been welldocumented. Regular moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling,tai-chi or yoga, have all been associated with better retention of cognitiveskills. However, the best form of exercise for dementia is weight training…

Researchers from the University of Sydney have found thatlifting weights is actually more effective at stopping dementia than braintraining exercises! Scientists found high intensity weight training boosts themental abilities and cognitive skills of older people who are suffering frommild cognitive impairment (a common precursor to dementia). Geriatrician,Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh, said resistance training may significantlyreduce the risk of dementia. "Weknow weight training stimulates hormones that make muscles grow and it'spossible these hormones are also having similar benefits for brainfunction," said Prof Singh. Because hormone imbalances are considered amajor cause of dementia, this find is significant. And in addition to this,weight training is also excellent for your joints and your heart as well! 9

“Natural Remedies for Dementia and Alzheimer’s” FinalWord…

So there you have our top 10 natural remedies forsuccessfully treating and reversing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. But don’tforget (no pun intended) that these remedies and recommendations are also exactlywhat you need to be taking and following to prevent dementia from everaffecting you! (Prevention is always best). And like we saidearlier, you have nothing to lose by trying these treatments. We recommend youstart with #1 and then work your way down the list, using and utilizing as manyof the remedies as you or your loved one can. Expect to see some big resultswithin 3-6 months. It will, however, take at least 12 months for a full recovery(or as close to a full recovery as you are going to get) so you must be patientand consistent with the daily application of these recommendations.

So what are you waiting for? Get going on this straightaway. We guarantee, the results are going to blow your mind! (In a good waythough).

Good luck and all the best to you.

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Wow! 10 Proven Natural Remedies for Dementia & Alzheimers... (2024)
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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.