Authentic Jamaican Beef Patty Recipe (2024)

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Authentic Jamaican Beef Patty Recipe (1)

Ready to whip up some island flavor? Follow our Authentic Jamaican Beef Patty Recipe for a spicy, savory treat encased in a golden crust. It's flaky, it's tasty, it's a bite of Jamaica waiting for you!

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Course Lunch, Side Dish, Snack

Cuisine Jamaican

Servings 12 pieces

Calories 280 kcal


Beef Patty Pastry Dough with Beef Suet:

  • 450 g 3 1/2 cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 4 g 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 13 g 1 tablespoon Granulated Sugar
  • 100 g 1/2 cup Beef Suet, chopped into pea-sized pieces and frozen
  • 100 g 1/2 cup Shortening
  • 15 g 1 tablespoon Turmeric Powder
  • 230 g Ice Cold Water

Beef Patty Pastry Dough with Butter:

  • 450 g 3 1/2 cups All-Purpose Flour
  • 4 g 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 13 g 1 tablespoon Granulated Sugar
  • 220 g 1 cup, or 2 sticks Unsalted Butter
  • 15 g 1 tablespoon Turmeric Powder
  • 230 g Ice Cold Water

Beef Patty Meat Filling:

  • 450 g 1 lb Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 Large Yellow or Red Onion finely chopped
  • 60 g 3 stalks Fresh Scallions, finely chopped
  • 25 g 1 Scotch Bonnet Pepper or any hot pepper, finely chopped
  • 50 g 1/2 cup Breadcrumbs
  • 3 g 3/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 4 g 1 teaspoon Paprika
  • 2 g 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 2 g 1 teaspoon Thyme, dried or fresh
  • 2 g 1/2 teaspoon Allspice
  • 60 g 1/4 cup Unsalted Butter
  • 250 g 1 cup Water
  • 30 g 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 8 g 2 cloves Garlic, minced

Egg Wash (Optional):

  • 1 large egg beaten
  • 15 ml 1 tablespoon water or milk



  • Begin by setting your stove to medium-low heat. Place your lean ground beef into a saucepan, and pour in 1 cup of water along with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The beef should be fully submerged.

  • Allow the beef to simmer for about 20 to 30 minutes. The meat should absorb most of the water during this time.

  • Next, mix in your chopped onions, scallions, salt, black pepper, minced garlic, Scotch bonnet or sweet peppers, paprika, thyme, and allspice. Stir everything together until it’s well incorporated. If your beef looks a bit dry, feel free to add a bit more water; the goal is to have a moist and juicy filling.

  • Gradually sprinkle in the breadcrumbs, stirring them into the mixture. Ensure there’s enough liquid in the pan to meld with the breadcrumbs for a smooth consistency.

  • Add the butter to the pan, mixing it through until it’s completely blended with the beef. Once combined, take the pan off the heat and set your filling aside to cool.


  • In a mixing bowl with a hook attachment (or using your hands if you’re doing it manually), combine the all-purpose flour, salt, sugar, and turmeric powder. Add in the suet (or butter if you’re not using suet) and shortening. Mix at a low speed until the mixture has a crumbly texture, resembling breadcrumbs.

  • If you’re not using a machine, you can incorporate the fat with your fingers or a fork. A food processor works well too—just a few pulses should do the trick.

  • Slowly add in the ice-cold water and continue to mix until the dough just comes together, being careful not to overwork it.

  • Remove the dough from your mixer, wrap it in plastic, and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to firm up.


  • Preheat your oven to 365°F (185°C).

  • Take the chilled dough from the fridge and divide it into 12 portions for large patties or 20 for smaller ones.

  • Shape each portion into a ball and flatten it into a round disc using a rolling pin, to about 4 mm thickness.

  • Place 2 to 3 tablespoons of filling in the center of each disc for large patties (or 1 to 1.5 tablespoons for smaller ones), spreading it slightly but leaving room around the edges.

  • Fold the pastry over the filling to create a half-moon shape and use a fork to crimp and seal the edges.

  • Place your assembled patties on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

  • Optional: Prepare the egg wash by whisking together the egg with a tablespoon of water or milk.

  • Brush the top of each patty with the egg wash. This will give your patties a nice glossy finish once baked.

  • Bake in the middle of the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the patties are a beautiful golden brown.


Perfecting the art of the Jamaican Beef Patty is all in the details. From the sunny hue of your flaky crust to the bold, spiced embrace of the filling, every step has its secrets. These curated notes are my whisper in your ear, guiding you to elevate your patties from delightful to sublime. Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned patty pro, these tidbits will ensure your patties are the talk of the table. Dive in, the flavors of Jamaica await!

  • Pastry Color: The vibrant yellow color of the pastry is traditionally from turmeric, but some recipes also use curry powder or food coloring for a more intense color.
  • Meat Filling: Lean ground beef is ideal to avoid excess grease, but you can also use ground chicken or turkey for a lighter version. For authentic flavor, try not to skip the Scotch bonnet peppers; they provide a distinctive Caribbean heat and flavor profile.
  • Handling Dough: Keep the pastry dough cold; if it becomes too warm, the patties won't be as flaky. If the dough starts to warm up while you are working with it, put it back in the fridge for a few minutes.
  • Sealing Patties: Ensure the edges of the patties are sealed well to prevent the filling from leaking out during baking. Crimping with a fork not only seals but also creates the traditional ridged edge.
  • Baking Temperature: Oven temperatures can vary. If your patties are browning too quickly, reduce the temperature slightly. They should be golden brown and cooked through but not burnt.
  • Freezing: Unbaked patties freeze well. Place them on a baking sheet in the freezer until hard, then transfer to a freezer bag or container. Bake from frozen, adding a few extra minutes to the cooking time.
  • Serving Suggestions: These patties are delicious on their own or served with a side of mango chutney or coleslaw. They're perfect for a party appetizer or a grab-and-go lunch.
  • Spice Level: Adjust the amount of Scotch bonnet pepper to suit your taste for heat. The pepper can be very hot, so start with less and taste the filling as you go.
  • Gluten-Free Option: For a gluten-free version, use a gluten-free flour blend that is meant for baking and ensure any store-bought breadcrumbs used are also gluten-free.
  • Vegetarian/Vegan Variation: Substitute the beef with lentils, beans, or a meat substitute, and use a vegan butter or shortening for the pastry.

Keyword authentic Jamaican beef patties recipe, beef patties, beef patty, beef patty recipe with beef suet, carribean patties recipe, flaky Jamaican beef patty recipe, Jamaican beef patties, Jamaican beef patty, Jamaican beef patty recipe, jamaican patty pastry made with butter, meat patty

Authentic Jamaican Beef Patty Recipe (2024)
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